Nobody writes like it's the fifties no more. And there are still snobs. You'd think that this day and age there wouldn't be any snobs any more. Like everyday people would just know better. Some people man. Going around with noses that think they're pointing to some kind of heaven. You're not that high and we're both walking on the same street, and yeah maybe I have my hands in my pockets but that doesn't mean I ain't civilized. It doesn't mean that ain't ain't a word anymore.
What's a nice car got to prove about class anymore these days anyway. Nice car, Nice hair, Nice make up everyday. I guess that kind of shit matters to some people. Some guy bumped into walking on 16th street while I was smiling and I said Excuse me and he got all ruffled up and gave me the up n down with a dirty look. It doesn't mean much anyway, it's just a moment. a moment passed and lost just like it doesn't mean much.
but anyway...
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