Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Live from SFPML

Almost sat on a needle just now trying to take a shot of two homeless people sleeping in front of the flag, in front of hundreds of police, many squad cards, idle paddy wagons, in front of a large group of very passionate, mainly young, people.
Passion when did you first sweep me?
We're all tired.
If ever I have felt passionately tired, this is the most it has taken over I think in the 25 years I have lived.
It's good of course. Perhaps worrying to those around me, 'B you should really get some sleep..."
Maybe I can't.
Maybe it's instilled in my bones. It's why I'd rather not pay taxes. It's why I make excuses.

These people are mine.
They have me at my best and my worst.
We all know what we're talking about.
This is San Francisco.
We're still here.

Took a break for a moment to breathe and get in touch with all the loved ones, you people, who drive me to celebrate.
Who drive me at my weakest to be on the column in city hall around hundreds of screaming people, some crying, some masked, telling the cops at the top of our lungs- Inside the mother fucker- in the middle of city hall- FUCK THE POLICE!!!
They just locked a bunch of people inside of city hall for the meeting of the board of supervisors.
Somebody broke the one of the front doors of city hall with a skateboard.
It looks beautiful.
They're still out there and now I feel lazy. Distracted.
 I'm about 15 pictures in and still I feel like not much has been done. I hope they're ok out there, fighting.

I hope the crowd gets larger always. 
That whoever dies today at the hands of the police unjustly is exalted.
That the meeting inside remains peaceful, at best.
And radically speaking, maybe not.