Tuesday, May 26, 2015

That one show at Everyday back in Feb- A delayed account of JENKS AND DAE ROCK

Both rooted on the rough edges of San Francisco, artists and musical soothsayers of the city, tape master Dae Rock and killer with the can Jenks saturated Everyday Skateshop with their colorful personas at the City Nights art show in February. Having just been laying low in the mountain tops of Northern California, I managed to shake the greenery off my clothes to be welcomed by some of Frisco's finest at the opening party.

BG: What inspires you to do a show at a place like Everyday?

Jenks: Number one- Skateboarding and Graffiti. Streetlife and all the ways those mold together. It’s all been connected for a long time. We understand each other.

BG: What inspires you visually?

Jenks: Just like, living in San Francisco and collecting things as I go. Walking around in the streets looking around.

BG: So like, everything?

Jenks: Yeah, I guess so. Haha. I love to paint animals, too. I love wild animals.

BG: What kind of stuff are you into these days?

Jenks: A lot of our friends' stuff. I really like the abstract work thats coming out these days. Collage work. My friends are who I really pay the most attention to like Peace, Dae Rock obviously, Piper, a lot of bay people

Dae Rock and Jenks are long time pals whose beat driven, dance inspiring lifestyles have correlated seamlessly at the Everyday exhibition adding a funky touch to the sounds and sights of San Francisco. Both artists have decorated walls, trucks, and fences with intricate murals for over a decade. “Dae and I have been drawing cartoons together since we were young kids, like ten or eleven years old.” says Jenks, a wild animal himself, to me over brews in the L’s. With Dae’s boom box always in hand the party follows the two through the streets and sways people to move their feet. As much of a night disco these two can be they still work very hard to keep up with their work and stay super productive. I've personally seen Dae complete multiple, full, detailed ass paintings in a sitting! So admirable.

The show consisted of acrylic, oil, and spray paint along with in an in-house window and shelf display. The window was decorated with many 5sh0p findings, toys, trinkets, thingys, and items from Jenks’ studio. People kept saying how much it felt like they were in both of the artists’ room meshed in one. Tape reel guts bled over the balconies that are fixed over the skate shop creating a messy curtain of visual enthrallment. Shit cracked that night- people we're spilling from the back of our shop out to the streets dancing and smilin'. People definitely crushed. Someone asked me to fight some chick I don’t even know? Naw, dude. Ur in the box for a reason!?? (FREE CR?) damn, haha, for real though I really hope you're well... Anyway... Let's see, there was break dancing, booty shakin, a scandal over tits recorded (#freethecleav?) lots of long lost stars, shit.... it felt like home again, finally... Maybe even for the first time since I had come back from Freance six months earlier.

The city paid us a pretty one with a few warnings, but what happens out our door is in the hands of the people and the streets- that shits for them to figure out. We're just trying to live out here!

Meanwhile Everyday continues to book shows for the misfits of SF. Next to be covered is Rabitt Garcia's show.

The next art show at Everyday is May 29th, 2015


Have flix from the art show!? Contribute them here! email: biancag8989@gmail.com

JENKS has a mural up now at the knife shop that neighbors Everyday on Geary and Larkin. Shit, of course, is stupid fresh.

In the meantime-

Stay up.








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